HOLIDAY · Benefit Song for Hospital in Kobane
Holiday recorded the benefit song “Fuck All For Christmas”. All money goes directly to the Rojava Project to rebuilt a hospital in Kobane.
Read Holidays Statement here:
“This song has been on the back burner since last year.. Being a Christmas song, like all other Christmas songs it’s limited to a certain time frame. So this year we managed to get it boxed off.
The lyrics are about an imagined possibility where Santa gets put on the Workfare program, and as a result, is unable to pursue his usual role at Christmas.
Music recorded by Matt, vocals recorded by Jay at Shed Fusion, Staveley amidst the chaos and floods. Track mixed and mastered by Matt..
ALL money made from this download will be going to the Rojava project to help rebuild a hospital in Kobane. Check here for information on the project:
If you can afford anything, please contribute.
Cheers! x”
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